
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Thanksgiving Dressing Waffles

Don't let this photo deceive you're senses.  It may not look pretty on the plate but oh how tasty it is.

We all love leftovers after the big Thanksgiving meal but we usually associate them with a turkey sandwich later in the day. One of my favorite leftovers is the dressing.  

Years ago while living in Boulder my mom came up for Thanksgiving to visit.  I think that is the first time I actually made Thanksgiving dinner myself (with her guidance, of course).  Ah, yes, I remember now, that was when I left all the giblets in the neck cavity and only discovered it after the turkey was in the oven.

But, it was also the first time that I started using the Thanksgiving leftovers for breakfast the next day.  The favorite was to make an omelet stuffed with a little shredded turkey meat, a little dressing and a little gravy on top.

Another great way to use leftovers is to make dressing waffles.  To clarify, I call it dressing because it is cooked outside of the turkey.  If it were cooked in the turkey I would call it stuffing.  And that's how I differentiate.....

All you do is make a patty out of some dressing that you have let come to room temperature .  It's easier to work with your hands if you let it get to room temp.  This year I am at Papa's house and all he has is a Belgian waffle iron.  The waffles are better if you have a regular waffle iron.  You will have more crispy surfaces that way.  But I'm not complaining about how this one turned out.

Close your waffle iron and let it do it's magic.  Don't hurry about it or keep checking it.  You'll be able to smell when it's done.  In the mean time.....

cook your egg.  Look here! I had an egg with a double yolk.  I guess they would have been twin chickens?

Once your egg is done to your preferential satisfaction, place your dressing waffle on a plate and top it with the egg.  It will not disappoint.

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