
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Grilled Peppers and Onions

I had a bell pepper, red onion and jalapeños that I needed to use up so I thought I'd make a side for myself to go with the Grilled Pork Chops with Apple-Bourbon Glaze that were prepared for our Labor Day meal yesterday.

I didn't use all of those jalapeños in the photo above;  I used 4 or 5 of the smaller ones.

I wasn't after the heat of the peppers so I removed the seeds and the veins. Be sure to wear gloves when preparing the jalapeños; especially if you wear contacts that will be removed  before you go to bed.

I simply wanted the nice jalapeño flavor with just a bit of a bite

Don't all of the colors look pretty when tossed together?  Drizzle them with a little olive oil and a sprinkling of celery salt.

I put them on the grill in a make-shift grill basket

Shake them up from time to time until they have browned and softened to your liking.

They were light and flavorful. The jalapeños  gave the dish just the kick I wanted and the garlic added another depth to the peppers.

The best part is I got to eat them all myself as Lovey and Kiss weren't interested.

Grilled Peppers and Onions
Serves 2

1/2 medium red onion
1 orange bell pepper
4 - 5 small jalapeños
3 large cloves garlic
olive oil
celery salt

Mise en Place:
  • Slice onion
  • core, seed and slice bell pepper
  • seed, de-vein and slice jalapeños
  • peel and slice garlic lengthwise
Toss all vegetables in a small mixing bowl.  Drizzle with a little olive oil and season to taste with celery salt.

Place vegetables in a grilling basket and cook on grill over medium-high heat.  Toss periodically and continue grilling until the veggies are browned to your liking.

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