
Monday, September 29, 2014

Giving the Leftovers a Makeover


 For the most part I love leftovers.  Sometimes, however, foods aren't nearly as good as they were at their original cooking.  Take for instant a baked potato.  The white meat of that tuber will never be soft and fluffy as it was the night before.

corn on the cob is hard to get excited about as it was when you took it off the grill last night.


this is how I rescue leftovers to give them a second life.

peel the baked potato and slice in 1/2 inch slices, then slice those in half

slice the corn kernels off the cob

slice up half a yellow onion

and slice up a couple cloves of garlic

Melt the butter until browned then add the onions.  With a wooden spoon or utensil of your choice, delicately separate the onions.  Cook these over medium low heat until soft and limp.

Add the corn

Add the potatoes and the garlic

Sprinkle a pinch of smoked paprika over the top and gently stir.

Salt and pepper to taste.

With your wooden spoon scrape up the fond that will accumulate on the bottom of the pan and fold it in with the vegetables  This will really add flavor to the vegetables.

Mmmm.  The potato becomes creamy, the corn still pops and lends a little sweetness, the onions and garlic lend their flavor and the paprika gives it a little smokiness

Leftover Veggie Hash
Serves 4

3 Tbsp. salted butter
One medium baked potato
1 medium roasted corn on the cob
1/2 medium yellow onion
2 to 3 small garlic cloves
pinch of smoked paprika
salt and pepper to taste

Mise en place:
  • slice off butter and place in saute pan
  • peel baked potato and slice cross-wise into 1/2 inch slices, then cut those in half
  • shuck corn and with a sharp knife slice down cob from top to bottom to remove kernels
  • peel and slide 1/2 yellow onion, slicing this from the side, not the end
  • peel and slice garlic cloves
Heat butter in saute pan.  When the butter begins to turn brown add the onions.  Cook over medium low heat until they become limp and start to brown.  Toss in the corn and combine.  Then add the potatoes and the garlic.  

Allow the vegetables slowly heat up and take on a nice color.  Sprinkle the smoked paprika over vegetables then salt and pepper to taste.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Grilled Butterflied Chicken

This grilled chicken method is part Julia Child, Bobby Flay and Cook's Illustrated.  I've taken a little but of advice, technique and instruction from each of them. 

I also like to brine the chicken when grilling it; whether whole or parts.  It leaves your chicken so juicy.

To 8 cups of water, add 1 cup of Kosher salt

1/2 cup of sugar

 a whole bulb of garlic, halved and, if you like, about 10 peppercorns

Bring to a boil, whisking the mixture ever so often to help dissolve the salt and sugar.  Remove from heat and allow to cool. 
Good to know if you want to save some time:  Bobby Flay uses half the water but adds 4 cups of ice cubes after the salt and sugar are dissolved.  This helps cool the brine quicker.

Now, you want to butterfly your chicken, which means you are going to splay your chicken out flat.  Grilling chicken this way cuts your cooking time and the cooking is more even between the dark meat and the white meat.

 The first thing you want to do is cut out the back bone of the chicken.  To do this you will need a good pair of kitchen shears.  I found these scissors at an estate sale.  The markings show that they are stainless steel made in Italy.  I don't really know for sure if they were made to be used in the kitchen; but I'll tell ya, they are heavy duty.  To me, they look like something that is used in the operating room.

Turn the chicken breast side down.  Begin cutting up one side of the back bone.

 Cut up the other side and remove the backbone.  Freeze this to use in a future broth.

I did not do this step today, but if you want to, make a slice down the middle of the white breast bone that is exposed.  It will make it a little easier for you to break the breast bone in the next step.

Flip your bird over, breast side up.   Now, give the breast bone a good whack to break it and some of the ribs; you want to flatten it out.

Just a couple more things to do before you're done.

 See these little tips on the elbow of the wing?  Clip those off and tuck the wing underneath the chicken.

 There's a lot of loose skin between the leg and the breast.  With a paring knife make a slit in the skin

Tuck the end of the leg through this slit.  Repeat with the other leg

 And there you have a butterflied chicken.  You also might hear of this method referred to as spatchcocking a chicken.  It is really so simple and after you do it once, it will seem so elementary and is such a great way to grill, or even roast in the oven, a whole chicken.

Once the brine is cooled off place the chicken in a large bowl or baggie and pour the brine over the chicken.  Place in the refrigerator from 1 to 4 hours.

While the chicken is in its brine mince your garlic and mix with the butter.  Both are the same but one you will keep room temperature until it's time to melt and the other you'll place in the refrigerator.

 NOTE:  If you elect to brine, be sure you use unsalted butter.  You will not need the extra salt.  If you don't brine, use salted butter.

After brining period is over, rinse the chicken well under cold water and pat dry with paper towels.  Place the chicken on a rack over a baking sheet ( used a broiler pan) and place uncovered in the refrigerator for 1 to 4 hours to dry the skin out.

 set the chilled chicken on the cabinet at room temperature for 30 minutes before grilling.  Spread the chilled garlic butter underneath the skin over the breast.

Preheat your grill.

Melt the other portion of the garlic butter and brush over the breast side of the chicken. 

Place the chicken, buttered breast side down.  I place two foil covered bricks on top of the chicken just to discourage any bowing or folding up the edges might want to do.

 After 10 minutes turn the chicken over and place over the indirect heat.  Cover the grill and allow to finish cooking until a thermometer registers 165 degrees F. (about 30 minutes)

Place on serving platter, light tent with foil and allow to rest for 10 minutes.

Grilled Butterflied Chicken
Serves 4


8 cups water
1 cup Kosher salt
1/2 cup sugar
1 head garlic
10 black peppercorns
 1 - 3-4 pound roasting chicken
4 Tbsp. unsalted butter, divided
2 cloves garlic, divided

In a saucepan mix water, salt and 1/2 cup sugar.  Cut the head of garlic in half and add to the brine water, along with the peppercorns.  Heat mixture, whisking until salt and sugar are dissolved.  Remove from heat, set aside and allow to cool completely

To butterfly chicken turn chicken breast side down.  With a good pair of kitchen / poultry shears cut down one side of the back bone and then cut down the other side, removing backbone (bag it and throw in freezer to use in a future stock).  Turn chicken breast side up and pound the breast bone with your fist to break the collar bones and some of the ribs.  Get aggressive with it; you want that chicken flattened.  Cut off the little tips on the wings' elbows.  Tuck the wings behind the shoulders.  With a sharp paring knife make a slit in the skin that is on the sides of the breast.  Take a leg in your hand, slightly push the leg up towards the thigh and insert and ankle of the leg through the slit.  Pull down to secure.  Repeat with the other leg.

When the brine is cool pour in a large bowl or plastic bag then place the chicken in the brine.  Refrigerate from 1 to 4 hours.

Peel and dice the cloves of garlic.  Mix 2 Tbsp. of the room temperature butter in a small bowl and place the other 2 Tbsp. of butter in another bowl.  Mix half of the cloves with 2 Tbsp. butter.  Cover and place in refrigerator.  Mix the rest of the diced garlic with the last two Tbsp. butter.  You can leave this set aside on the cabinet top.

After the chicken is finished brining, rinse the chicken under cold water and pat the chicken dry.  Discard the brine.  Place chicken, skin side up on a cooling rack that is set inside a baking sheet.  Allow to sit uncovered in the refrigerator for 1 to 4 hours to allow the skin to dry out.  You will get a crispier crust this way.

Remove chicken and compound butter from the refrigerator 30 minutes prior to putting it on the grill.  When the butter begins to soften, gently separate the skin from the breast and spread the chilled butter/garlic compound underneath the skin being careful not to tear the skin.

Melt the other butter/garlic compound in the microwave until you hear the garlic begin to sizzling and brown.

Heat all  burners for medium direct heat for about 15 minutes.

Brush the skin side of the chicken with1/2 of  the melted butter/garlic.  Place chicken, breast side down over the two left burners until brown and crispy; about 10 minutes.  Turn the far right burner off and place the chicken, breast side up, on this burner to finish cooking on indirect heat.  Brush the chicken with the rest of the melted butter/garlic.  Cover grill and cook for about 30 minutes or until a meat thermometer reads 165 degrees F in the thickest part of the thigh.

Place chicken to carving platter and let rest for 10 minutes before carving.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Grilled Peppers and Onions

I had a bell pepper, red onion and jalapeños that I needed to use up so I thought I'd make a side for myself to go with the Grilled Pork Chops with Apple-Bourbon Glaze that were prepared for our Labor Day meal yesterday.

I didn't use all of those jalapeños in the photo above;  I used 4 or 5 of the smaller ones.

I wasn't after the heat of the peppers so I removed the seeds and the veins. Be sure to wear gloves when preparing the jalapeños; especially if you wear contacts that will be removed  before you go to bed.

I simply wanted the nice jalapeño flavor with just a bit of a bite

Don't all of the colors look pretty when tossed together?  Drizzle them with a little olive oil and a sprinkling of celery salt.

I put them on the grill in a make-shift grill basket

Shake them up from time to time until they have browned and softened to your liking.

They were light and flavorful. The jalapeños  gave the dish just the kick I wanted and the garlic added another depth to the peppers.

The best part is I got to eat them all myself as Lovey and Kiss weren't interested.

Grilled Peppers and Onions
Serves 2

1/2 medium red onion
1 orange bell pepper
4 - 5 small jalapeños
3 large cloves garlic
olive oil
celery salt

Mise en Place:
  • Slice onion
  • core, seed and slice bell pepper
  • seed, de-vein and slice jalapeños
  • peel and slice garlic lengthwise
Toss all vegetables in a small mixing bowl.  Drizzle with a little olive oil and season to taste with celery salt.

Place vegetables in a grilling basket and cook on grill over medium-high heat.  Toss periodically and continue grilling until the veggies are browned to your liking.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Grilled Pork Chops with Apple-Bourbon Glaze

Lovey selected the Labor Day menu this year.  He usually glances through the Southern Living when it comes in the mail.  Usually he will select a dessert he would like for me to fix and try.  This month it was a main course.  I think 'Apple-Bourbon Glaze' jumped out off the page.  And, I am sure it was the bourbon portion of that title that really got his attention.  He doesn't drink it (I do though!) but he loves to cook with it.

 A rub is made the night before cooking and slathered on the pork chops.  

I found it easy to mix up all of the dry ingredients with my fingers.

Dry the chops well on both sides.  The chops are brushed with a little olive oil on each side and then lightly seasoned with the dry rub.  All done the night before which makes grilling day a little easier; and the refrigerator smells heavenly the next morning.

The meat is seared on both sides before any of the glaze is applied.  Just a note about something we learned....see the two pork chops at the upper left?  Those are definitely what you want.  The other four chops are a sirloin cut and not what I was really after; the 'bone-in' in  the chop at the lower left is NOT what I consider a bone-in pork chop.

Once the chops are seared the glaze is applied to each side and turned every 10 seconds, until the chops are done and the glaze is thick and caramelized.

Mmm....these were good!!!  We served them up with good old mashed potatoes, sauteéd asparagus and broccoli and roasted peppers and onions.

Grilled Pork Chops with Apple-Bourbon Glaze
From the September 2014 issue of Southern Living 
Serves 4

2 Tbsp. dark brown sugar
1-1/2 tsp kosher salt
1-1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp. freshly ground peppercorns
1/2 tsp. paprika
2 Tbsp. olive oil
4 - (3-ounces each) bone-in pork rib chops
1 (12 oz.) can frozen apple juice concentrate, thawed
1 cup bourbon
3 Tbsp. dark brown sugar
1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp. kosher salt
1/2 dried crushed red pepper (I did not use these as Lovey is not a fan of hot, spicy)

Stir together the first 5 ingredients.  Rinse off pork chops and pat dry.  Brush both sides of chops with olive oil.  Spread dry ingredients on both sides of chops and place in a 9" x 13" glass baking dish.  Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate over night.

Thirty minutes before you turn the grill on remove the pork chops from the refrigerator and allow to stand at room temperature.  

In the mean time, prepare the glaze.  In a saucepan, stir together the apple juice concentrate, bourbon, brown sugar, mustard, salt, and red pepper if you like a little kick.

Bring to a boil over medium-high heat.  Reduce heat to medium and simmer, stirring occasionally for about 13  to 15 minutes or until mixture is reduced to about 1 cup.

Preheat grill to 330 - 400° F.  Grill chops, covered with grill lid, 6 to 8 minutes on each side or until almost done.  Brush tops with  glaze; turn and brush other side with glaze.  Grill, covered with grill lid for 2 minutes.

Repeat process, without grill lid and turning chops every 10 seconds, until glaze thickens and chops are cooked through.