
Monday, September 10, 2012

Thyme Mango Sorbet

The perfect little palate cleanser when you serve a six course meal.  What?  You don't serve six course dinners on a regular basis?  I don't either.  But you can still enjoy sorbet without all the fanfare of a fancy dinner.

The base of a Sorbet is fruit juice, fruit pureé, wine, liqueur or tea infusions.  Mixed with a simple syrup and frozen.  Easy - peasy.

Every so often I go through my freezer and use up what I've stored over the past months so I can free up space.  Since the holidays are creeping up on me I decided to do just that.  I found a bag of frozen mango and here's what I came up with.

Make your simple syrup first because it needs to be cooled.  I made mine the night before and stored it in the refrigerator.

Place the fruit and the simple syrup in a blender and pureé until very smooth.  That's it.  You're done.  Almost.

Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and flip the switch.  Now you're done.

Thyme Mango Sorbet

1 cup sugar
1 cup water
5 sprigs fresh thyme
1 package frozen mango or 3 fresh mangoes

Mise en place:
This recipe is so simple, there's really no extra prep work to do.

In a small sauce pan, bring sugar, water and thyme to a boil until sugar is completely dissolved.  Remove from heat and allow to cool.

Put fruit in the blender.  Add the simple syrup.  Blend until very smooth.  Pour mixture into ice cream maker and mix for about 25 minutes.  Transfer to a plastic container and store in freezer.

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