
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Salmon Ceviche with Cilantro, Chili, and Lime

It is "some like it hot - and spicy" week a IHCC.  Since Mr. C., or as I like to call him - Lovey, does not like anything spicy, I knew I'd have to find one of Tessa Kiros' recipes that I could easily half and take to work with me for my lunch.

 I chose this ceviche recipe.  I love ceviche and I love all these ingredients so the selection was an easy one.  The lime, ginger and cilantro flavors with the light, delicate texture and flavor of the Coho Salmon were a perfect pairing.

The recipe halved easily but I could have used the original amount of red chile peppers for a little spicier dish.  Perhaps if I had left the veins there would have been more heat.

 Notice I'm wearing my food gloves that I love to use in the kitchen?  I suggest using these in so many ways when cooking, and especially when working with chiles and peppers since they have oils that can burn your skin and especially your eyes. 

 This was so easy to prepare.  Take care to mix it up in a nonreactive bowl.  Since I made this dish to take to work the next day, I stored it in a Ball jar for easy transporting.

Tessa states that this is even good the next day so I had no problem making it the night before.  She also suggested a lovely way to serve it with some firm green leaves and sliced red onions as a salad or with boiled potatoes.  For myself, I just ate it out of the jar at my desk and it was yummy!

Salmon Ceviche With Cilantro, Chili, and Lime
Adapted from "Falling Cloudberries" by Tessa Kiros
Serves 4 to 6 - Note: this is the full recipe as in the book

1-1/4 pounds skinned salmon fillet
Juice of 4 limes
2 or 3 red chiles
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro
1/4 tsp. ground cumin
2 garlic cloves
1-1/2 inch piece of ginger

Mise en Place:
  • skin and remove any bones from the salmon
  • juice limes
  • seed and finely chop the chiles
  • chop cilantro
  • peel  & finely chop garlic cloves
  • peel and grate fresh ginger
Slice salmon fillet into pieces about 1/2 inch thick and put in a wide, nonreactive bowl.

Pour the lime juice, chile, cilantro, cumin, and garlic over the fish and season with salt and pepper.  Take the grated ginger between your fingers and firmly squeeze the juice over the salmon (discard the pulp that's left).  Mix gently, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 4 hours before serving.

I'm sharing this recipe at IHCC


  1. Wow - I love ceviche and have never thought to make it myself. What a great idea! And I love that you packed it into a little jar for work. Brilliant.

  2. I've never tried a ceviche using salmon before. This sounds so tasty!

  3. I think it's great that you packed yourself such a cute and inspired lunch. What a nice treat to eat at work the next day!

  4. Wow, what a neat lunch! My husband is not a real fan of spicy stuff either, so I don't make it often since only I would eat it... good for you for making it for yourself for lunch, great idea!
